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Fates of Many
The fates Usov
Vlastimil Artur Polak

Here we can find stories of life during the occupation, literary portraits of people from the transports and Terezin, and thoughts on love and peace. The war ended when Polak was in Terezin and he got an award for his anti Nazi resistance. His small compilation of poems was published in Vienna in 1975 and "Der erloschene Leuchter"(The Snuffed Candelabra) was released in Olomouc in 2003. He also collected old Jewish tales from Usov, which were published in 1996 under the title, "Bílá paní z ghetta" (A White Lady From the Ghetto).
Before the war Polak wrote satirical articles against local Nazis for the newsletter Distel (Thistle), which he published with his Czech and German friends in Usov. Hugo Silbersky, a young artist from Lostice, did some illustrations for his articles. After 1945 V. A. Polak worked and lived in Olomouc (d. 1990). A wife of the artist Mrs. Olga Polakova translated most of his writings to Czech.